Represent US is working hard to stop political bribery, end secret money and give every voter a voice. Their movement is passing Anti-Corruption Acts in towns, cities and states across America... all the way to Washington, DC
In November 2016 Washington (I-1464) and South Dakota (Measure 22) will vote on statewide Anti-Corruption Acts.
Missouri and San Francisco are voting on limiting campaign contributions
Anti-corruption resolutions in the Illinois counties of Boone and McHenry
In May 2015, the unanimous Supreme Court upheld a Hawaii law banning contributions from government contractors.
Since November 2014, Indiana, Oregon, Arkansas and Virginia have all passed ethics reform laws.
On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida, made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1 margin. More cities are getting ready to follow...
In 2014 in Arkansas, Warwick Sabin, a freshman legislator was able to pass Issue 3 – an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution that bans corporate contributions to candidates, bans all gifts from lobbyists to lawmakers, and extends the “cooling off period” that a former lawmaker must wait before becoming a lobbyist from one to two years.