A war on voting under false pretexts
In FREE FOR ALL!, we see John write on note cards in his hotel room as he comes across and documents the obstacles facing voters:
Provisional Ballots
Unreliable Voting Machines
Privatized Election Systems
Dispute Exit Polls
Failure By Media
The Old Jedi Mind Trick
Rigged Recount
Not Enough Voting Machines
Not Enough Polls
Machine Breakdowns
Caging voters
Biased Officials
Voter Registration Prevented
Purging Voter Rolls
Confusing Poll Locations
Untrained Pollworkers
Long Lines
Voter ID Requirements
Confusing Guidelines
Voting “Reform” Laws
These tactics are often justified as needed to prevent voter fraud. The only problem? No one can prove voter fraud is even a problem, yet they still make it harder for everyone to vote.
Why do they push Voter Fraud?
People wonder why politicians talk about voter fraud and there is a simple two part answer:
1. It serves them politically, even though we know voter fraud rarely happens.
2. It creates a media narrative that works for them.
The Truth About Voter Fraud, from Brennan Center
Voting Rights Are Under Attack with 21 states passing restrictions since 2010. (AL, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, OH, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WI, WV)
Reduced Polling Places (Arizona, Rhode Island and beyond)
Enacting Voter ID Laws (in-person voter fraud is less common than being hit by lightning)
Felon disenfranchisement voting rights restored after serving time.
Voter Purges (aka Voter Caging)
Unverifiable Electronic Voting Machines with no paper trail
Flipping People’s Party Affiliation (Check
Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation (billboards, flyers)
Computer Breach of Voting Records
It's worth looking at caucuses with their low voter turnouts and closed party voting during the primaries
Just remember they are pushing Voter Fraud as an issue, but that's not really a problem.